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Children learn a great deal in high-quality childcare, but parents are the most important educators in a child’s life. Nursery practitioners and parents can together have a significant influence on a child’s development.

At Little Steps Day Care, we can help you support your child’s development at home, so you can develop your skills and better understand their learning.

Family Learning

You are more than welcome to come to us and ask what your child is currently learning in our care. We can provide you with relevant activities to do at home to further continue their learning. Family learning provides parents with opportunities to improve their own skills in certain areas, enabling you to feel more confident when supporting your child with their learning.

Learning at home not only helps improve your child’s educational outcome but also improves your relationship.

Play Helps Development & Learning

In the Early Years, we use to play as the main way of learning and development. Play is fun, it gives your child the opportunity to explore, observe, experiment and problem solve.

Spending time with your child playing, talking, listening and interacting helps them learn key life skills. Play is a fantastic relationship builder as it tells your child that they are important to you.

Remember To Look After Yourself

Whether you are a parent, kinship carer or foster parent, you are always learning. Sometimes you will feel confident that you are doing the right thing to support your child’s development, and sometimes you need some help.

Focusing on caring for your child means you may forget to look after yourself. Ensuring you look after yourself also assists in your child’s development.

All Children Are Different

Not all children are the same. Some skills might develop at a different age to others and that’s okay. Differences among children is not often something to worry about, but if you are concerned about your child’s levels of development, see a professional.

Get In Touch

For more information about how to support your child’s development at home, don’t hesitate to contact our team at Little Steps Day Care. Call us today on 07340 956133.

You can also fill out our online contact form or find us on Facebook.

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