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Interacting with animals is fantastic for all children. Whether you have pets or like visiting animals, this is a great trait to have from a young age. No matter what animal you love the most, this can be beneficial to all children and will even help to relax and reduce stress.

At Little Steps Day Care, we are always trying to encourage children to get involved in new activities. Very soon, we welcome a number of animals and insects for children to interact with and experience an amazing day!

Why Are Animals Great For Kids?

Getting a pet is actually a fantastic option and a great way to help children. No matter how unusual the pet may be, whether this is your typical cats, dogs and rabbits, to snakes, ducks and horses, the companionship of a pet is perfect for children. Pets can benefit children in several ways, including:

  • Learning Life Lessons
  • Mental & Emotional Health Improvement
  • Physical Wellbeing

Taking care of a pet is a big responsibility to have at a young age but has shown to reduce stress, providing social support and companionship, even improving children’s communication skills. A 2017 study even showed that pet owning kids were:

  • Less Moody
  • More Obedient
  • More Physically Active
  • Had Better General Health
  • Had Fewer Behaviour Problems
  • Had Fewer Learning Problems

If you are considering getting a pet, this could just be the push you need! To give your child the best possible start in life, a pet can be the perfect addition to your family.

Animals At Little Steps Day Care

Little Steps Day Care are excited to have a number of animals and insects coming in. Whether this is something your child already loves to do, it is great to have everyone involved in seeing and interacting with animals and insects. We are always finding new experiences for our children, making our day care completely unique. With these insects and animals coming in, all kids have a great opportunity to get involved and something they wouldn’t usually get to do.

Although we encourage all children to interact, animals and insects may not be everyone’s cup of tea! For children who aren’t as confident with animals and insects, this is still a fun and enjoyable experience and can help to build self-confidence by interacting with the animals, even if you are a bit cautious at first.

Building Confidence & Self-Esteem

Building confidence and self-esteem from a young age is essential. Even if your child is already confident and has a beaming smile every day, continuing to build confidence will never be a bad thing. Animals have shown to give people higher levels of self-esteem, whilst also making them less fearful and preoccupied.

Not only does interacting with animals improve your wellbeing, but there is actually a lot to learn from animals. With animals and insects coming into Little Steps Day Care, this gives us the chance to demonstrate exactly what benefits they have and why interacting with them is so important for children.

Contact Us

If you would like more information about the animals and insects coming into Little Steps Day Care, get in touch with us today! You will receive a fast response, answering any queries you have. Call us on 01234 88951807825 549 58607340 956 133 or fill in our contact form to make an enquiry.

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